Introducing the Bathmate Direct Pump Timer , the perfect accessory to revolutionise your Bathmate pumping workouts.
Designed with the user in mind, this innovative timer is waterproof so you can easily integrate it into your shower or bath routine – it’s time to take your pumping workout to the next level!
The main purpose of the timer is to ensure people are using their pumps to get the maximum results.
If you asked 100 people to stop after 3 minutes, they would all say a different time, meaning people are either over- or under-using the pump.
Green lights indicate the 3 minutes you should be on the pump and red lights indicate the time the pump is off. This can be repeated 3 times to get the manufacturer's recommendations for pump usage.
Most people don't wear a watch (or glasses!) in the shower, so the lights and beeps make it both visible and audible to see how long it takes to use the pump.
Comes with 2 sizes of suction cups, 1 to place on the pumps and a larger one if the user prefers it on the shower stall or tiles.
This is a great addition to any Bathmate pump purchase.